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Jewish Rabbi charges Orthodox Staff to be inclusive towards LGBT pupils

Earlier this year it emerged that a state-funded Orthodox Jewish school in north London, Yesodey Hatorah Senior Girls’ school, had redacted mentions of homosexuality in textbooks, as well as references to women smoking, drinking and driving with men.
Photo: Chief Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis
The school said the policy was "old news" and "has nothing to do homophobia or misogyny".

Speaking in the Orthodox Jewish school, Chief Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis admonished children to learn to accept and tolerate gay people,  he warned them that homophobia is leading to suicide attempts.

The Chief Rabbi also told staff of the Jewish school to be inclusive towards LGBT children amid concerns about homophobic and transphobic bullying leading to isolation and self-harm. 

In a journal entitled "The Wellbeing of LGBT+ Pupils: A Guide for Orthodox Jewish Schools", it was written that there is an increase in the incidence  of attempted suicide among children because of discrimination and prejudice.

The journal which was produced alongside Jewish LGBT charity Keshet UK, guides teachers to reprimand children who use "gay" in a pejorative sense, advising them to tell pupils that avoiding homophobia is a "Jewish imperative", as well as to object if colleagues express prejudiced views. 

They are also advised to avoid offering "false reassurance" to pupils concerned at how their family will react to them coming out as gay or transgender.

Schools have also been cautioned that "conversion therapy", which is designed to change someone's sexuality, has been "strongly condemned" by doctors and psychotherapists, with the Government announcing its plans to outlaw it earlier this year. 

The journal is likely to prove controversial, with many Orthodox Jews believing that homosexual relationships are prescribed by the Torah. 

The Chief Rabbi said the journal was an "extremely significant milestone" which would "have a real and lasting impact on reducing harm to LGBT+ Jews across the Orthodox Jewish community". 

"Our children need to know that at school, at home and in the community, they will be loved and protected regardless of their sexuality or gender identity," he said. 

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