Blood Testing for your Healthy Well Being

A Stranger Raped Her

Her name is Stella, she is my best friend, she was raped inside the car of a stranger by the road side. It happened in the night when they were coming from the hospital, where they volunteered to take another stranger who had fainted.

Suddenly, he stopped the car, shut the doors and started Stella to pulp. He then stripped her and began pounding her. At some point, he asked her if she was enjoying it? If she hesitate to respond, that begins the beating again.

So as to not receive any more brutal beating, she had no other option than to tell the man that she's enjoying it, amidst the tears that rolled down her cheeks... Soon enough when he climaxed he threw her out of the car and zoomed off
She was lucky that she didn't get run over by oncoming vehicles. Strangers rescued her, but in more ways than one, it was too late....

Months later, she went to the clinic for follow up, that's when she discovered that she's pregnant and that the man gave her STD too. This was her first time of being intimate with anyone...

Things went downhill. She became depressed chronically, episodes of PTSD never eluded her. At times, she'd jerk and wake up in the middle of the night from the incessant nightmares. It isn't any nightmare, it's the scene from the rape event replaying itself over and over again.  Hardly would she ever sleep, if she didn't take a pill.

Two days ago, she called me around 2am. It was the night mare again. I tried to pet her, just to make her understand that I understand the pain she is going through.

But then, she asked: "the guy raped me, so he will be sleeping now with his family and kids huh?... I truly wish I can find him".
Alibaba Cloud
The truth is that the guy ruined her life, she miscarried the baby and her life has never been the same ever since.

This is no fiction. If you are ever tempted to rape someone, remember that you may eventually be the reason why that young woman will eventually commit suicide. Sex is practically free, you don't have to force someone to get it.

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